Een telefoontje van een dochter naar de politie over herinneringen aan de vermeende misdaad van haar moeder zet een jaar lang onderzoek in gang naar een sekte, de verdwijning van een kind en een moord. The Followers: House of prayer wordt gepresenteerd door journalist Leila Day, terwijl voormalig aanklager en onderzoeksjournalist Beth Karas (“Unspeakable Crime: The Killing of Jessica Chambers”) verslag doet van het verhaal. Nieuwe afleveringen van de podcast van UCP Audio worden wekelijks uitgebracht vanaf 3 maart. Dit meeslepende verhaal neemt luisteraars mee op een intrigerende reis vol onthullingen, waarin de complexiteit van menselijke relaties en de duistere kanten van de samenleving worden belicht.

A daughter’s call to police about memories of her mother’s alleged crime triggers a year-long investigation into a cult, the disappearance of a child and a murder. THE FOLLOWERS: HOUSE OF PRAYER is hosted by journalist Leila Day and former prosecutor and investigative journalist Beth Karas (“Unspeakable Crime: The Killing of Jessica Chambers”) reports on the story. New episodes of the podcast from UCP Audio will drop weekly beginning March 3rd.
Jessica Grimshaw- For USG Audio
Jennifer Sears- For USG Audio
Leila Day- Executive Producer, Host, Producer
Kathleen Goldhar- Executive Producer, Producer
Beth Karas- Executive Producer, Producer, Reporter
Stuart Coxe- Executive Producer
Joy Fluker- Consulting Producer
Max Miller- Producer, additional reporting
Alexis Green- Associate Producer
Laura Isabel Gonzales- Reporter
Daemon Fairless – Reporter
Mitchell Stuart- Editor & Sound Design
Synch Stories- Theme song composition
Arik Martin- Transcriber
In 1978, Pope John Paul I was found dead in his bed just 33 days after he was elected. The official story is that he suffered a fatal heart attack. But in the years since his death, some have claimed he was murdered to cover up crimes in the Vatican. The question of the Pope’s death has never been definitively answered, but there is one man who claims to know the truth. A man from one of New York City’s crime families who has deep ties to the Italian mafia. He was there the day of the Pope’s death and witnessed his murder firsthand. Or, at least, that’s what he says. His name is Anthony Raimondi, and these are his confessions.
From USG Audio and Truth Media in association with Clockwork Films.
For more episodes of The Confessions of Anthony Raimondi, visit here.
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