In Buried Bones ontleden journalist Kate Winkler Dawson en gepensioneerd onderzoeker Paul Holes enkele van de meest boeiende true crime-zaken uit de geschiedenis, van eeuwen geleden. Samen verkennen ze deze zeer oude zaken door een 21e-eeuwse bril. Met hun jarenlange expertise en kennis van moderne forensische wetenschap reflecteren ze op hoever de wetenschap is gekomen en brengen ze nieuwe inzichten in oude mysteries.
Samen hebben Kate en Paul vele zaken onderzocht, waaronder de ontvoering van de Lindbergh-baby in 1932, de eerste keer dat vingerafdrukken als bewijs werden gebruikt in een rechtszaal, en een mogelijke seriemoordenaar in het Nashville van de jaren 1960. Ze stellen de vraag: is de juiste persoon veroordeeld of is iemand ten onrechte beschuldigd?
On Buried Bones, journalist Kate Winkler Dawson and retired investigator Paul Holes dissect some of history’s most compelling true crime cases from centuries ago. Together, they explore these very old cases through a 21st century lens. With their years of expertise and knowledge of modern forensics, they reflect on how far science has come and bring new insight to old mysteries.
Together, Kate and Paul have examined many cases including the 1932 Lindbergh baby kidnapping, the first time fingerprinting was used as evidence in a courtroom and a possible serial killer in 1960s Nashville. They ask, was the right person convicted or was someone wrongfully accused?
See pictures, diagrams and evidence from each case on Instagram @buriedbonespod.
Buried Bones is part of the Exactly Right podcast network that provides a platform for bold, creative voices to bring to life provocative, entertaining and relatable stories for audiences everywhere. The Exactly Right roster of podcasts covers a variety of topics including true crime, comedic interviews, news, science, pop culture and more. The network is home to My Favorite Murder hosted by Karen Kilgariff and Georgia Hardstark, This Podcast Will Kill You, That’s Messed Up: An SVU Podcast, Tenfold More Wicked and more.
On today’s episode, the second half of a two-parter, Paul and Kate return to 1970 Baltimore to discuss the case of a murdered nun and the various suspects. The testimony of a local student brings into question the controversial use of recovered memories.
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