In de Californische bergen ligt een dorpje genaamd Idyllwild. Daar leefde Dia Abrams op een uitgestrekte ranch. Ze was een blonde, welgestelde weduwe van in de zestig, omringd door een paar goede vriendinnen, een trouwe verloofde en twee volwassen kinderen met wie de band stroef was. Wanneer Dia in 2020 plots verdwijnt, zonder haar auto, telefoon of geliefde hondje mee te nemen, wordt het snel duidelijk dat er iets grondig mis is. In de meeslepende podcast Where’s Dia vertelt de Britse journaliste Lucy Sherriff onder meer het verhaal van Dia’s zoon, verloofde en beste vriendin, maar al snel blijkt dat hun verhalen niet kloppen.
In the beautiful mountain town of Idyllwild, a wealthy widow named Dia Abrams suddenly vanishes from her home. She leaves behind her idyllic ranch, estranged children and a messy legal battle. Two men in her life, her son and a man who claims to be her fiance, launch public campaigns to find her. But soon, their efforts – and stories – begin to unravel. Hosted by Lucy Sherriff and co-produced with iHeartPodcasts.
Enjoy this episode from Nobody Should Believe Me. This season, novelist Andrea Dunlop is following the story of Jordyn Hope as they unravel the secrets of their childhood. After revelations that they were abused as a child, Jo bravely returns to their small, deeply religious hometown to attempt to unravel their many lingering questions about their upbringing. Was their abuse a secret? If not, why didn’t anyone help them? Jo connects with her first grade teacher and childhood best friend as they begin their search for answers. Andrea travels with Jo, hoping to help her friend find healing, and to see what the future might look like for the survivors in her own life.
If you want to hear more, find Nobody Should Believe Me wherever you listen to podcasts.
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