Unsolved Murders: True Crime Stories is een podcastdrama met een moderne draai aan ouderwetse radio, dat zich verdiept in het mysterie van echte cold cases en onopgeloste moorden. Volg met de hulp van een ensemblecast onze gastheren terwijl ze je meenemen op een vermakelijke reis door de plaats delict, het onderzoek en de poging om de zaak op te lossen. Met veel verrassende plotwendingen is het belangrijk dat je begint met luisteren vanaf de eerste aflevering van een cold case.
Unsolved Murders: True Crime Stories is a podcast drama with a modern twist on old time radio that delves into the mystery of true cold cases and unsolved murders. With the help of an ensemble cast, follow our hosts as they take you on an entertaining journey through the crime scene, the investigation and attempt to solve the case. With many surprising plot twists, it’s important you start listening from the first episode of a cold case. New episodes are released every Tuesday. Unsolved Murders: True Crime Stories is a Spotify Original.
What happens when a teenager goes missing in the world’s smallest, and supposedly safest, country? Emanuela Orlandi’s sudden disappearance remains the only missing person’s case in Vatican City, yet more than 40 years later we still have no idea what really happened behind the papal state’s walls.
After the story, stick around for an exclusive interview with the director of The First Omen, Arkasha Stevenson!
This episode is brought to you by Twentieth Century Studios’ the First Omen. Experience the most terrifying movie of the year, and what critics are calling “deliciously disturbing” only in theaters April 5th.
Conspiracy Theories is now on Instagram @theconspiracypod and TikTok @conspiracy.pod! Follow us to keep up with the show and get behind-the-scenes updates from Carter and the team.
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