Paulina Stevens groeide op in een geïsoleerd Roma-Amerikaans gezin, voorbestemd om de school te verlaten, jong te trouwen en waarzegster te worden. Op haar zeventiende was haar lot bezegeld, totdat ze besloot alles achter zich te laten. “Foretold” volgt Paulina terwijl ze de gevolgen ondervindt van haar beslissing om haar gemeenschap te verlaten en haar identiteit opnieuw te definiëren. Gepresenteerd door Faith Pinho, verslaggever van de Los Angeles Times, neemt ‘Foretold’ je mee langs de ‘psychische’ neonreclames en trendy tarotkaarten om mythen en stereotypen te ontrafelen die het Roma-volk eeuwenlang hebben gevolgd.
Paulina Stevens grew up in an insular Romani American family, destined to leave school, marry young, and become a fortuneteller. By 17, her fate was sealed — until she decided to leave it all behind. “Foretold” follows Paulina as she navigates the consequences of her decision to leave her community and redefine her identity. Hosted by Los Angeles Times reporter Faith Pinho, “Foretold” will take you past the neon “psychic” signs and trendy tarot cards to unravel myths and stereotypes that have followed the Romani people for centuries.
In the final episode of “Foretold,” Paulina makes a career choice and starts figuring out her place in the world. And Paulina and Bobby’s custody battle culminates in a decision about their daughters’ future.
Check out behind-the-scenes photos and host Faith E. Pinho’s reflections on the series.
Read the episode transcript.
Dive deeper: There is no monolithic “Romani American experience,” not even in California — there are a multitude of them. See opinion pieces by Romani writers in conjunction with the “Foretold” podcast at