Meer dan tien jaar na de dood van Michael Jackson blijft zijn nalatenschap ingewikkeld en onopgelost. Think Twice: Michael Jackson is een verkenning van het leven en de impact van de King of Pop, en een onderzoek naar waarom zijn wereldwijde invloed blijft voortduren, ondanks de verontrustende beschuldigingen tegen hem. In deze tiendelige serie bieden journalisten Leon Neyfakh en Jay Smooth een nieuw perspectief op het verhaal van Michael Jackson, gebaseerd op tientallen originele interviews met mensen die het van dichtbij hebben meegemaakt.
More than a decade since Michael Jackson’s death, his legacy remains complicated and unresolved. Think Twice: Michael Jackson is an exploration of the King of Pop’s life and impact – and an investigation into why his global influence continues to endure, despite the disturbing allegations against him. In this ten-part series, journalists Leon Neyfakh and Jay Smooth bring you a new perspective on the Michael Jackson story, based on dozens of original interviews with people who watched it unfold from up close.
You can binge every episode of Think Twice: Michael Jackson, ad-free on Amazon Music, Wondery+ or Audible.
Encounters dives into one of the most famous and unsolved UFO encounters to ever take place in the UK. What really happened over two nights in December 1980, when US servicemen saw mysterious lights in the skies? UFO expert Andy McGrillen and producer Elle Scott examine all of the evidence and conflicting theories about what happened and try to answer the question “Are we alone”
Listen to Encounters exclusively on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify. Start your free trial today by visiting
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