Deze podcast wordt gepresenteerd door de voormalige DHS-functionaris en anonieme klokkenluider Miles Taylor, tevens auteur van “Blowback”. Deze serie neemt je mee naar de vergaderkamers en in het leven van de hooggeplaatste functionarissen en frontlinie-ambtenaren die probeerden orde te scheppen in de chaos van de Trump-jaren. Zij stonden voor de moeilijkste beslissing van hun leven: openlijk de waarheid vertellen. Ze wisten dat dit vrijwel zeker zou leiden tot represailles, waarbij ze hun huizen, banen, huwelijken en veiligheid zouden riskeren … en de loop van de geschiedenis zouden veranderen.

THE WHISTLEBLOWERS: INSIDE THE TRUMP ADMINISTRATION, hosted by former DHS official turned anonymous whistleblower and “Blowback” author Miles Taylor, will bring you into the room – and into the lives – of the high-ranking officials and frontline public servants who tried to bring order to the chaos of the Trump years, while grappling with the most difficult decision of their lives: whether to openly speak the truth. They knew that doing so meant near-certain retribution, costing them their homes, jobs, marriages, safety … and changing the course of history.
White House communications director Stephanie Grisham and congressman Denver Riggleman were once darlings of the GOP. That is, until they voiced alarm about the President. They’re cast into the political wilderness, where they discover that retribution is swift and brutal.
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