De podcast “The Stoop” verkent verhalen uit de zwarte diaspora die we niet altijd openlijk delen. Presentatoren Leila Day en Hana Baba starten gesprekken over wat het betekent om zwart te zijn, en hoe we over zwart-zijn praten in Amerika, en wereldwijd. Het is een viering van zwarte vreugde in al haar diversiteit, met als missie dieper in te gaan op verhalen die we moeten bespreken.
The Stoop podcast digs into stories that are not always shared out in the open. Hosts Leila Day and Hana Baba start conversations and provide professionally-reported stories about what it means to be Black and how we talk about blackness. Come hang out on The Stoop as we dialog about the diaspora.
What if we told you there’s an entire book dedicated to the things Black folk say? Historically Black Phrases by jarett hill and Tre’vell Anderson introduces and explains sayings like “I AIN’T ONE OF YOUR LIL’ FRIENDS” to “WHO ALL GON’ BE THERE?”. The book is a blend of the many things you grew up hearing and their definitions and usage all in one place. We sit down with the authors to talk about what makes a phrase “Black” and ask, ‘are some phrases reserved for only some Black people?’Join us!