The Scale Lab is een originele podcast van over hoe je jouw bedrijf buiten Nederland kunt opschalen. Gehost door Constantijn van Oranje en Joe Wilson, brengt deze podcastserie opmerkelijke Nederlandse ondernemers samen die in staat waren om doorbraakbedrijven te creëren om hun opschalingsreis te deconstrueren: hoe je de juiste product-markt fit vindt, pivoteert, financieringsstrategieën, benadering van VC en investeerders, internationaal uitbreiden en belangrijke lessen geleerd.

The Scale Lab is an original podcast on how to scale up your company beyond the Netherlands. Hosted by Constantijn van Oranje and Joe Wilson, this podcast series gathers remarkable Dutch entrepreneurs who were able to create breakthrough companies to deconstruct their scaling journeys: how to find the right product-market fit, pivoting, funding strategies, approaching VC and investors, expanding abroad and key lessons learned.
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In this episode, Joe Wilson and Constantijn van Oranje are closing season 3 of the Scale Lab podcast by dressing their learnings from past episodes. Constantijn is also explaining more about his role as Special envoy and his expectations for the future of Techleap.