Een vreemd telefoontje onthult een vraag uit het graf: is The Godfather of Soul vermoord? Bijna veertig jaar geleden bevond een songwriter zich in de binnenste cirkel van muzikant James Brown. De relatie zou haar carrière bijna vernietigen. Tientallen jaren later probeert ze het mysterie van de dood van James Brown en haar eigen leven op te lossen. Wanneer ze CNN-verslaggever Thomas Lake belt, komen de twee terecht in een wereld vol geheimen, intimidatie en vermoedelijk vals spel.

A strange phone call reveals a question from the grave – was The Godfather of Soul murdered? Almost 40 years ago, a songwriter found herself in musician James Brown’s inner circle. The relationship would nearly destroy her career. Decades later, she’s trying to solve the mystery of James Brown’s death…and her own life. When she makes a call to CNN reporter Thomas Lake, the two stumble into a world of secrets, intimidation, and suspected foul play.
A prosecutor tells Jacque Hollander that powerful people don’t want James Brown’s death to be investigated. Jacque hears back from the CIA as to whether or not the agency has a file on her, and Thomas Lake examines Brown’s possible affiliation to the CIA. Ghost calls again, demanding Lake stop his reporting. The duffel bag Jacque turned over to the prosecutor disappears, while Jacque continues her search for the truth about the deaths of James Brown and his third wife, Adrienne.
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