Al minstens een decennium lang hangen beschuldigingen van bedrog rondom verkiezingen in het landelijke Bladen County, North Carolina. Sommige mensen in de stad wijzen met de vinger naar een zwarte belangenbehartigingsgroep, de Bladen County Improvement Association, en beschuldigen deze ervan kiezers te intimideren, te knoeien met stembiljetten en stemmen rechtstreeks te stelen. Deze beschuldigingen zijn nooit bewezen, maar ze blijven bestaan. Verslaggever Zoe Chace ging naar Bladen County om te onderzoeken wat er echt aan de hand is.

For at least a decade, allegations of cheating have swirled around elections in rural Bladen County, N.C. Some people in town point fingers at a Black advocacy group, the Bladen County Improvement Association, accusing it of bullying voters, tampering with ballots and stealing votes outright. These accusations have never been substantiated, but they persist.
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Reporter Zoe Chace went to Bladen County to investigate what’s really going on. From the makers of Serial and The New York Times, a five-part series about allegations of election fraud — and the powerful forces that fuel them.
A mysterious letter detailing a supposed Islamist plot to take over schools shocked Britain in 2014. But who wrote it? From Serial Productions and The New York Times, “The Trojan Horse Affair,” an investigation that became bigger than we ever imagined. All eight parts are available now, wherever you get your podcasts. To get full access to this show, and to other Serial Productions and New
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