Toen Elizabeth Short, ook bekend als The Black Dahlia, in 1947 op brute wijze werd vermoord, greep het de hele natie aan. Meer dan 70 jaar later blijft het Amerika’s meest beruchte onopgeloste moord. Velen geloven dat Dr. George Hodel de moordenaar was, dankzij een onderzoek door Hodel’s eigen zoon. Maar moord is slechts een deel van het verhaal van de familie Hodel, een verhaal vol huiveringwekkende geheimen die generaties lang doorwerken. Nu, via nog nooit eerder gehoorde archiefopnamen en eerste interviews, opent de familie Hodel zich om hun schokkende verhaal te onthullen. In deze achtdelige documentaireserie duiken zussen Rasha Pecoraro en Yvette Gentile, de achterkleindochters van George Hodel, diep in hun familiegeschiedenis om te proberen erachter te komen wat er echt is gebeurd, en waar ze allemaal naartoe gaan vanaf hier.

When Elizabeth Short, also known as The Black Dahlia, was brutally killed in 1947, it gripped the entire country. More than 70 years later, it remains America’s most infamous unsolved murder. Many believe Dr. George Hodel was the killer, thanks to an investigation by Hodel’s own son. But murder is just part of the Hodel family story, one filled with horrifying secrets that ripple across generations. Now, through never-before-heard archival audio and first-time interviews, the Hodel family opens up to reveal their shocking story. In this eight-part documentary series, sisters Rasha Pecoraro and Yvette Gentile, the great grand daughters of George Hodel, take a deep dive into their family history to try to figure out what really happened, and where do they all go from here? Root of Evil is the companion podcast to TNTs limited series I Am the Night. Inspired by the true story of the Hodel family, the series stars Chris Pine and comes from acclaimed Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins.
If you enjoyed Root of Evil, we think you’ll like the new season of Very Scary People: A Family to Fear. An intense custody battle turns deadly when Christine Belford’s ex-husband and his family become obsessed with controlling the couple’s three daughters. The family is willing to do anything including stalking, kidnapping, and even murder to get their way. Over eight episodes, host Donnie Wahlberg takes listeners down a dark and twisted journey, exploring how one family’s obsession became a mother’s worst nightmare. With exclusive interviews and audio, the story goes beyond the headlines of the sinister Matusiewicz family.
Listen to Episode 1, The Takeover, and follow Very Scary People wherever you get your podcasts.
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