Maak je klaar voor een wilde reis achter de schermen van een van de meest exclusieve clubs ter wereld: de wereld van professionele sporteigenaren. OWNED, een mix van komedie, tragedie en alles daartussenin, is de eerste podcast ooit die luisteraars ver boven de rechtbank of het veld meeneemt naar de luxe dozen waar miljardairs ronddwalen. Elke week wordt voormalig NBA-speler (en huidige Twitter-all-star) Rex Chapman vergezeld door een cast van verslaggevers, atleten en cabaretiers om de politiek, schandalen en tientallen excentrieke moguls te ontleden die onze hoop en dromen in hun handen houden.
Buckle up for a wild trip behind the scenes of one of the most exclusive clubs on earth: the world of professional sports owners. A mix of comedy, tragedy, and everything in between, OWNED is the first podcast ever to take listeners way above the court or field into the luxury boxes where billionaires roam. Each week, former NBA player (and current Twitter all-star) Rex Chapman is joined by a cast of reporters, athletes, and comedians to dissect the politics, scandals, and scores of these eccentric moguls who hold our hopes and dreams in their hands. It is fun, funny, dynamic, surprising, and based on incredible stories; a hybrid talk show that combines the wit and flair of SmartLess with the reporting, storytelling, and production muscle of Campside Media, creators of hit shows like Chameleon: Wild Boys, and Suspect.
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Eugene Melnyk once saved the Ottawa Senators from possibly needing to leave Canada but then spent the rest of his time as owner, causing chaos at every turn! We dive into this very complicated man with The Athletic’s Ian Mendes and comedian Jon Dore.
Subscribe to SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts to listen to ad-free episodes.