Op 18 november 1978 stierven ruim 900 Amerikanen in Jonestown, Guyana. Sommigen pleegden zelfmoord. Er werden er nog meer vermoord. En tot 11 september was het de grootste massamoord op Amerikaanse burgers. De Amerikaanse vertegenwoordiger Leo Ryan werd vermoord toen hij probeerde inwoners van Jonestown te redden die wanhopig op zoek waren naar vrijheid. In de nieuwe podcast van CQ Roll Call onderzoeken we Jonestown door het prisma van congrestoezicht en vertellen we een verhaal over corruptie, internationale intriges, ras en verraad. Toezicht. Hoe kunnen de lessen uit het verleden de beslissingen van vandaag beïnvloeden?
On Nov. 18, 1978, more than 900 Americans died in Jonestown, Guyana. Some committed suicide. More were murdered. And until 9/11, it was the largest single mass killing of American citizens. U.S. Rep. Leo Ryan was assassinated as he tried to rescue Jonestown residents desperate for freedom.
In CQ Roll Call’s new podcast, we investigate Jonestown through the prism of congressional oversight, telling a story of corruption, international intrigue, race and betrayal.
Oversight. How can the lessons of the past inform decisions of today?
Betrayal — it’s the tie that binds everyone who was touched by Jim Jones’ evil ways. In this final episode of Oversight: Jonestown, we take you into the lives of survivors and victims’ families who were shunned, humiliated and then blamed in the days, months and years following Jonestown. What happened to their lives? And what happened to their children’s lives?