Normal Gossip levert sappige, vreemde, grappige en volkomen banale roddels over mensen die je nooit zult kennen en nooit zult ontmoeten. Presentator Kelsey McKinney bespreekt door lezers aangedragen komische roddels met gasten en duikt in de levens en beslissingen van volslagen vreemden. De waarheid uit de tweede hand is werkelijk vreemder dan fictie. Geproduceerd door Alex Sujong Laughlin. Toon kunst van Tara Jacoby.

Normal Gossip delivers juicy, strange, funny, and utterly banal gossip about people you’ll never know and never meet. Host Kelsey McKinney discusses reader-submitted comedic gossip with guests, diving into the lives and decisions of complete strangers. The second-hand truth really is stranger than fiction. Produced by Alex Sujong Laughlin. Show art by Tara Jacoby.
Surprise! In today’s bonus episode, Se’era Spragley Ricks (Normal Gossip’s lead producer) joins Rachelle to dive into your questions, New Year’s resolutions, and morsels of gossip.
Get tickets to Kelsey’s book tour here!
Pre-order Kelsey’s book, YOU DIDN’T HEAR THIS FROM ME, here!
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Our merch shop is run by Dan McQuade. You can also find all kinds of info about us and how to submit gossip on our Komi page:
Episode transcript here.
Follow the show on Instagram @normalgossip, and if you have gossip, email us at or leave us a voicemail at 26-79-GOSSIP.
Normal Gossip is hosted by Rachelle Hampton (@heyydnae) and produced by Se’era Spragley Ricks (@seera_sharae) and Jae Towle Vieira (@jaetowlevieira). Alex Sujong Laughlin (@alexlaughs) is our Supervising Producer. Justin Ellis is Defector’s projects editor. Show art by Tara Jacoby.
Normal Gossip is a proud member of Radiotopia.
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