NEWS OF TODA.I. is de eerste volledig door AI gegenereerde podcast die je op de hoogte houdt van het nieuws dat je moet weten en belangrijk is. Elke werkdag om 07:00 (CEST) geven we een korte samenvatting van het laatste nieuws uit Europa en België, volledig in het Engels.
NEWS OF TODA.I. is the first fully AI-generated podcast, delivering the news you need to know and care about. Every weekday at 07:00 (CEST), we provide a brief summary of the latest news from Europe and Belgium.
Attention: This podcast is entirely generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and is an experimental production. The accuracy and reliability of the presented news facts should always be verified. This production is a non-commercial experiment aimed at exploring the future of media and media production. For the production of this experiment, we use ChatGPT and Notebook LM by Google.
NEWS OF TODA.I. is the first fully AI-generated podcast, delivering the news you need to know and care about. Every weekday at 07:00 (CEST), we provide a brief summary of the latest news from Europe and Belgium, entirely in English.
Attention: This podcast is entirely generated by artificial intelligence (AI) and is an experimental production. The accuracy and reliability of the presented news facts should always be verified. This production is a non-commercial experiment aimed at exploring the future of media and media production. For the production of this experiment, we use ChatGPT and Notebook LM by Google.
Produced by Summ-it.