In 2014 vertelden twee kinderen de politie een schokkend verhaal: dat ze werden misbruikt door een satanische sekte; een sekte geleid door hun vader en door ouders en leraren op hun school in de rijke Londense buitenwijk Hampstead. Het verhaal was een leugen. Maar op internet maakte dat niets uit.
Hoaxed is een onderzoek naar een van de ernstigste complottheorieën ooit in Groot-Brittannië. Een verhaal over een hedendaagse satanische paniek; over de slachtoffers wier levens verwoest werden en over de samenzweerders die de leugen over de hele wereld verspreidden. Oh, en het gaat over onze jacht op de daders – de mensen die de kinderen dwongen te liegen – degenen die het allemaal begonnen zijn.
Introducing… Hoaxed, the new series from Alexi Mostrous and Tortoise, who brought you Sweet Bobby.
In 2014, two children told police a shocking story: that they were being abused by a Satanic cult; a cult headed by their father and by parents and teachers at their school in the wealthy London suburb of Hampstead. The story was a lie. But on the internet, that didn’t matter.
Hoaxed is an investigation into one of Britain’s most serious-ever conspiracy theories. A story about a modern-day Satanic panic; about the victims whose lives were destroyed and about the conspiracists who spread the lie around the world. Oh, and it’s about our hunt for the perpetrators – the people who forced the kids to lie – the ones who started it all.
All 6 episodes are available now to listen for free. You can listen to the full series ad-free and get access to exclusive bonus content by downloading the Tortoise audio app or subscribing to Tortoise+ on Apple podcasts. Or join Tortoise as a member, where you can access more of our reporting, live events and support our work. Just visit the Tortoise website and use the code Alexi50 for half price membership.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Introducing…What’s Wrong With Democracy?
By the end of this year, countries making up half the world’s population will have held elections. But not all of them will have been free and fair. In ‘What’s Wrong with Democracy?’ Professor Ben Ansell of Oxford University will, with the help of academics, journalists, activists and writers, figure out whether democracy is working and how best to preserve democratic freedoms, equality and rights.
What’s Wrong with Democracy? is produced by Tortoise Media and supported by The Open Society Foundations.
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Host: Professor Ben Ansell
Producers: Katie Gunning and Ada Barume
Editor: Jasper Corbett
Original artwork: Jon Hill | Emma O’Neil
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.