Meer dan twee decennia woedt er een gewelddadige en bittere vete tussen twee van Glasgow’s meest beruchte misdaadfamilies: de Daniel-groep en de Lyons-groep. De aanleiding voor hun conflict is niet helemaal duidelijk. Sommigen zeggen dat het te maken had met de diefstal van een partij drugs; anderen beweren dat de Lyons zich op het territorium van de Daniels begaven. Wat de oorzaak ook was, het conflict leidde tot een gruwelijke escalatie van gewelddadige vergeldingsaanvallen die een duistere schaduw hebben geworpen over de stad Glasgow.
Het meest spraakmakende incident was de publieke moord op Kevin “Gerbil” Carroll, een handlanger van de Daniel-groep. In 2010 werd hij voor de ogen van geschokte klanten in een Asda-parkeerplaats doorzeefd met kogels.
In deze serie onderzoeken we de duistere onderwereld van Glasgow en de gewelddadige criminele geschiedenis van de stad. De podcast bevat interviews met voormalige gangsters, gewone burgers die verstrikt raakten in deze meedogenloze turf war, en politieagenten die proberen de bendes op te rollen.
Veel van de hoofdrolspelers in het geweld zitten inmiddels achter tralies of zijn dood. Toch heerst de angst dat deze diepgewortelde vete generaties lang kan blijven voortduren.

A bloody and bitter feud between two of Glasgow’s most notorious crime families which has raged for more than two decades, leading to violence and murder. Why the Daniel crime group and the Lyons crime group fell out isn’t clear.
The story goes it was linked to the theft of a stash of drugs – or because the Lyons were encroaching on Daniel territory. Whatever the cause, the dispute exploded into a series of astonishingly violent tit for tat attacks which have cast a dark shadow over the city of Glasgow. The most high profile – the very public assassination of Daniel’s enforcer Kevin “Gerbil” Carroll. He was shot dead in a hail of bullets in front of terrified shoppers in an Asda car park in 2010.
Delving into Glasgow’s gangland past and its history of violent crime, the series hears from former gangsters, ordinary members of the public caught up in this vicious turf war and the police officers fighting to take down the mobsters. Many of those at the heart of the violence are now locked up in prison – or dead. But the fear is that this is a feud which is so ingrained it could go on for generations to come.
Presenter Livvy Haydock
Series producer: Paul Grant
Producer: Patrick Kiteley
Journalism assistant: Tim Fernley
Editor and executive producer: Carl Johnston
A brutal attack on a Daniel family member results in lengthy jail sentences for a number of Lyons associates. The feud continues in prison and there are fears it could go on for generations to come.
It was an attack so brutal that police initially thought the victim – a Daniel family member – had been shot in the face or injured by an explosive device. The attack was the culmination of the latest wave of violence in the bitter dispute. A police crackdown on the ongoing feud results in lengthy jail terms for a number of Lyons associates. Meanwhile, presenter Livvy Haydock discovers how Glasgow is successfully fighting back against the violence, with murders and killings now at an all-time low and community groups helping to steer young people away from gangs and crime. But there are still fears that the feud has become so ingrained that it could go on for generations to come.
For a who’s who, please visit this BBC article:
Presenter: Livvy Haydock
Series producer: Paul Grant
Producer: Patrick Kiteley
Journalism assistant: Tim Fernley
Editor and executive producer: Carl Johnston