In april was het 25 jaar geleden dat twee jongens twaalf studenten en een docent doodschoten op de Columbine High School in Colorado. Het is niet de dodelijkste schietpartij in de geschiedenis van Amerika, maar wel één van invloedrijkste. Wereldwijd ontbrandden discussies over wapenwetten, gewelddadige videogames en schoolpesterijen. In Confronting: Columbine duikt slachtoffer Amy Over opnieuw in de traumatische gebeurtenissen die haar leven tekenden.
De podcast is opgedeeld in twee delen; de eerste vijf afleveringen gaan over de schietpartij zelf en de volgende vijf over de brede nasleep. Onder andere medeslachtoffers, hulpverleners en experts komen aan het woord. Amy Over is een uitstekende host, die als ervaringsdeskundige niet alleen weet wat er nog verteld moet worden, maar ook feilloos contact maakt met haar gasten. Confronting: Columbine is een podcast die alleen maar op deze manier gemaakt had kunnen worden.

Season 2 – Confronting: Columbine
The events of April 20th, 1999 shaped our nation and altered the American narrative. One of America’s deadliest school shootings took place in a small town in Colorado, leaving thirteen dead and another twenty-one severely injured. And it was all broadcast over national tv for the nation to see.
The second season of Confronting takes on one of the most prolific tragedies in American history: the Columbine High School massacre. It was a devastating example of how easily a place of learning, familiarity and peace can descend into a war zone of chaos in a moment, the teenagers present that day are now adults who bear the mental and physical scars of the carnage they lived through. Amy Over, a Columbine survivor who is still living with its aftermath and raising her own children in its shadow, confronts many of the realities, questions and myths that surround the massacre to this day. Amy, through her own experience and by speaking with survivors, investigators, classmates, reporters on the scene and other important voices, brings a first-person account of the physical, emotional and spiritual journey that comes along with confronting the worst day of her life.
Season 1 – Confronting: O.J. Simpson
25 years after the crimes that ignited the “Trial of the Century” Kim Goldman, sister of murder victim Ron Goldman, is digging deep into the vicious crime that changed her life, and many others, forever. Thrust into the public eye at the age of 22, Kim was devastated when OJ Simpson was found not guilty of the murders of his ex-wife Nicole and her brother Ron. There has been much debate and confusion about what really happened the night of those brutal murders and for the first time Kim gets answers to questions that have been haunting her since the trial. She sits down with prosecutors, investigators, and witnesses who never got to speak and jurors who voted not guilty. In this 10-part series, Kim takes you on a journey as she reclaims and reflects on the part of her life that was changed permanently.
Meet Ray Trapani: a kid from New York who became one of the 21st Century’s most prolific con artists. In this sneak peek of Creating a Con: The Story of Bitconned, his best friend goes inside Ray’s mind to learn why he dreamed of being a criminal and how he had a knack for exploiting the exploitable. From a prescription pad hustle to cashing in on a glitch in a popular payment app, Ray’s small-time scams were the stepping stones to his biggest scam yet, Centra Tech.
At 26 years old, Ray Trapani and his two partners founded one of the hottest tech startups: Centra Tech. The company touted partnerships with some of the biggest banks, had the endorsements of DJ Khaled and Floyd Mayweather, and was fronted by a Harvard-educated CEO. Centra Tech was about to take over the world…until it didn’t.
Ray’s company was a giant lie built on empty promises, fake executives, and fraudulent contracts. All the while, Ray took millions of dollars from unsuspecting investors and was living the high life until it all came crashing down.
If you’re an iHeart True Crime+ subscriber, you can listen to ALL episodes of Creating a Con: The Story of Bitconned 100% ad-free, so you can binge the entire season. And if you are NOT an iHeart True Crime+ subscriber, go to Apple Podcasts and search for iHeart True Crime+ and subscribe today! Episodes will be premiering free to listeners starting Wednesday, April 3rd on the iHeartRadio App, Apple Podcasts or wherever you get your podcasts.
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