In een land dat geobsedeerd is door roddels, vrezen de groten der aarde één ding meer dan iets anders – schandaal. Britse schandalen veranderen de loop van de geschiedenis. Ze brengen regeringen ten val, werpen de rijken omver en laten de machtigen struikelen. Sommige gaan over seks, andere over geld. Uiteindelijk draait het allemaal om macht. Maar vaak zitten er gewone menselijke verhalen in het hart van een schandaal. Verhalen van mensen die meegesleurd worden in de draaikolk van verontwaardiging. Wie was er echt verantwoordelijk voor wat er gebeurde? Waarom deden ze het? En als alles gezegd en gedaan is, is er dan echt iets veranderd? Van de makers van Business Wars, American Scandal en Ghost Story komt British Scandal. Elke week duiken presentatoren Alice Levine en Matt Forde in de duistere kant van de Britse elite, van Telefoonhacking tot Profumo tot het kortstondige premierschap van Liz Truss. Omdat soms de waarheid niet iedereen bevrijdt…
In a country obsessed with gossip, the great and the good fear one thing more than any other – scandal.
British scandals change the course of history. They bring down governments, overthrow the rich and cause the mighty to fall. Some are about sex, others about money. In the end, they’re all about power.
But often at the heart of a scandal, there are ordinary human stories. Stories of those caught up in the swirl of outrage.
Who was really to blame for what happened? Why did they do it? And when all is said and done, did anything really change?
From the creators of Business Wars, American Scandal and Ghost Story, comes British Scandal. Each week, hosts Alice Levine and Matt Forde delve into the murkier side of the British elite, from Phone Hacking to Profumo to the short-lived premiership of Liz Truss. Because sometimes the truth doesn’t set everyone free…
Listen to British Scandal on the Wondery App or wherever you get your podcasts. You can listen early and ad-free on Wondery+. Join Wondery+ in the Wondery App, Apple Podcasts or Spotify. Start your free trial by visiting now.
As a Page 3 model for over a decade, Linda Lusardi is no stranger to tabloid attention. And she saw first-hand the impact it had on her former neighbour, Paul Gascoigne, as his star rose. Linda takes Matt and Alice inside the highs of their raucous nights out, and the lows of Gazza’s battles with addiction. Plus, she tells us why his life wouldn’t be all that different had he never become a footballer.
If you or someone you know is struggling with issues like those touched on in this episode, here are some UK resources:
For mental health support, call Samaritans on 116 123 or email
If you’re experiencing domestic abuse, or want to help someone who is, call the National Domestic Abuse Helpline on 0808 2000 247, or visit
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