De BBC en CBC komen met een aangrijpend verhaal uit 2018, een verhaal over de nasleep van de oorlog in Syrië. Op dat moment staat ISIS op het punt van verslagen te worden. Te midden van de chaos raakt een jongen vermist. Zijn grootvader in Londen zit met prangende vragen. Poonam Taneja gaat op onderzoek uit om de waarheid te achterhalen.

From BBC Sounds, BBC Asian Network and CBC. Syria. 2018. ISIS is on the brink of defeat. Two-year-old Salmaan disappears amid the bombardment. In London, his grandfather desperately searches for answers. After the war against the Islamic State was won, what became of the children of its fighters? There are thousands of kids like Salmaan, with roots in Canada, the UK, the US and beyond – they were taken to IS or born there. Now they are trapped there without a way back home. Investigative reporter Poonam Taneja has covered the terror group for a decade and now embarks on a dangerous journey to find out what happened to Salmaan and all the kids like him, left behind in the Syrian desert. And she speaks to the grandparents trying to get them home.
Poonam makes the long journey home from Syria. She arranges to meet Ash. They sit down on the same bench and she talks to him about what she’s found. Meanwhile, DA has been repatriated to Canada with her children. We follow her story as she goes through the justice system. Poonam also catches up with Charleen and her attempts to get her daughter, Nicole and her grandchildren out of the camps. .