Hoe zou je een wereld beschrijven die je nog nooit hebt gezien? Blind Guy Travels nodigt je uit in het leven zonder zicht. Sluit je aan bij presentator Matthew Shifrin terwijl hij een Marx Brothers komedie ervaart, een online datingprofiel aanmaakt, samenwerkt met LEGO om instructies te ontwikkelen voor blinde bouwers, en zich voorbereidt op zijn afstuderen aan de universiteit.
Radiotopia Presents premiers short multi-episode series in one podcast feed, unified by bold, inclusive storytelling pushing the boundaries of audio.
With Radiotopia Presents, we’re reaffirming and doubling down on our commitment to supporting independent creators and their ownership of their intellectual property. Because creators own their content, they can pursue additional paths after a series debut, including adaptations and spinoffs of their work.
Each series is developed in partnership with independent producers who received financial, production, and promotional support from Radiotopia to bring their idea to the widest possible audience.
Learn more about Shocking, Heartbreaking, Transformative at radiotopiapresents.fm and discover more shows from across the Radiotopia network at radiotopia.fm.
Best of Radiotopia 2024 – Weight For It – “Into Thin Air.”
It’s not too late – Radiotopia’s fall fundraiser is still on! Donate to support audio with vision. Thank you!
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