In deze nieuwe podcastserie belt Golden Globe- en Emmy-winnende acteur, regisseur en schrijver Ricky Gervais zijn favoriete slimme vriend – neurowetenschapper en filosoof Sam Harris – om enkele zeer belangrijke vragen te stellen… belangrijke. Gervais en Harris denken na over de wonderen van de wetenschap en de chaos van het moderne leven terwijl ze veel lachen.
In this new podcast series, the Golden Globe- and Emmy-winning actor, director, and writer Ricky Gervais phones his favorite smart friend, the neuroscientist and philosopher Sam Harris, to ask some very important questions…and some not-so-important ones.
Gervais and Harris contemplate the wonders of science and the chaos of modern life while having many good laughs.
Ricky calls Sam to discuss the prospect of human extinction. They also explore animal testing, flat earthers, and UFO’s. Ricky confirms that cows have been anally probed.