Gedurende 544 dagen werd Jason Rezaian gegijzeld gehouden in de beruchte Evin-gevangenis in Iran. Hij werd verhoord en afgesloten van de buitenwereld. Hij werd beschuldigd van het zijn van een Amerikaanse spion, hoewel zijn officiële titel correspondent voor The Washington Post in Teheran was. Dit is een verhaal over overheid, familie en journalistiek, en wat er nodig was om een onschuldige man vrij te krijgen… alles terwijl ze navigeerden door de wereld van de nucleaire diplomatie, waarin veel op het spel stond.

For 544 days, Jason Rezaian was held hostage in Iran’s notorious Evin prison. Interrogated. Sealed off from the outside world. He was accused of being an American spy, though his formal title was Washington Post Tehran Correspondent.
This is a story about government and family and journalism, and what it took to free an innocent man… all while navigating the high-stakes world of nuclear diplomacy.
544 Days is a Spotify Original podcast, produced by Gimlet, Crooked Media and A24.
Evan Gershkovich is based in Moscow for the Wall Street Journal. Most recently, he was writing about how the war in Ukraine is changing Russian society and the shockwaves that conflict is having on the economy. But on March 29th, Russian authorities detained Evan and are holding him in a notorious prison under allegations of espionage. With the parallels to our story in “544 Days,” we want to share this update.
Ever since this show was released, Jason Rezaian has been following cases of journalists and other Americans around the world who are being targeted by authoritarian autocratic regimes. You can find that coverage here:
This episode originally aired on “The Journal.” You can listen to new episodes every weekday.
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